Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI)
Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI)
GC has been ranked as the first in the 2020 Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) in the chemicals sector for two consecutive years and also ranked among the top 10 companies in the DJSI World and Emerging Markets Index for the eighth consecutive year.
Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption: CAC
Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption: CAC
GC has expressed its intention to join the Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (CAC) since July 18th 2012, and has been certified as a member of Thai CAC on July 4th 2014. With the outstanding anti-corruption policies, guidelines and best practices, GC has been continually certified as a member of Thai CAC for the second and third consecutive year on May 25th 2017 and June 30th 2020 respectively.
Thai Chamber of Commerce (TCC) Outstanding Ethics Award
Thai Chamber of Commerce (TCC) Outstanding Ethics Award
GC received the Business Ethics for Sustainable Development from Thai Chamber of Commerce (TCC). This demonstrates that GC conducts business under the good corporate governance and integrity, fairness for stakeholders, and awareness of resource efficiency. The award truly represents a sustainable achievement for the organization.
Low Emission Support Scheme (LESS) Certificate
Low Emission Support Scheme (LESS) Certificate
GC received the Low Emission Support Scheme certificate in recognition of its Khao Huai Mahat project in improving the quality of life, economy, and local communities as well as encouraging people in the community to participate in environmental conservation based on sustainability principles.
Thailand Corporate Excellence Award
Thailand Corporate Excellence Award
GC received a Distinguished award in Sustainable development excellence category from the Thailand Management Association (TMA) for the first year. This award reflects GC’s commitment to operating its business with a focus on sustainability, which has been recognized by the executives at all levels and become GC’s key strategies.
CSR-DIW Continuous Award
CSR-DIW Continuous Award
GC’s subsidiaries (17 plants) received the CSR-DIW Continuous Award for the 13th consecutive year. This demonstrates that GC has conducted business activities on the environmentally-friendly basis activities, as well as focused on sustainable community development.
LCSi Certification
LCSi Certification
GC has been recognized as a leading company in the Low Carbon and Sustainable Business Index (LCSi) with an excellent score for two consecutive years. This demonstrates GC’s commitment to lower greenhouse gas emissions with an aim to reduce environmental impact.
Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI)
Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI)
GC has been honored on the list of Thailand Sustainability Investment for the sixth consecutive year (2015-2020). This represents GC’s efforts in creating a balance between the Environmental, Social and Governance that is in line with the THSI assessment and international standards.
FTSE4Good Index
FTSE4Good Index
GC passed the evaluation criteria of FTSE and remains a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series for the fifth consecutive year. This demonstrates commitments in taking responsibilities on a basis of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)
GC won silver-level recognition with 62 score For its ESG programs, assessed by EcoVadis. The assessment ranks GC at the top 10 percent of companies in the manufacture of chemicals industry
Distinguished Issuer Award
Distinguished Issuer Award
GC received Distinguished Issuer Award in Best Bond Awards 2019 from ThaiBMA. This award represents the outstanding of GC’s bond that respond to investors’ needs appropriately.
Carbon Disclosure Project
Carbon Disclosure Project
GC has been rated environmental management in climate change management at Leadership Level (A-List) by CDP